Yap Mühendislik | Elektrik Elektronik Otomasyon sistemleri

YAP Mühendislik, çağımızın getirdiği yüksek teknolojiyi, gün geçtikçe artan rekabet ortamında iddialı ve sağlam bir yere sahip olmak isteyen sanayicilerin hizmetine sunar. Kontrol ve otomasyon teknolojilerinde sektöre yönelik gelişmeleri yakından takip edip, çözümlerimize adapte ederek müşterilerimize en verimli ve güncel çözümleri öncelikli elde etme ve rekabet ortamında güçlü bir yere sahip olma olanağı sağlamaktayız.


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Şube 1: İkitelli Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Aykosan Sanayi Sitesi G1 Blok No:61 Başakşehir/İstanbul
Şube 2: Merkez Mah. Bilgi Sok. No.2 Kağıthane/İstanbul


1FL2103-4AF10-1MC0 SİEMENS

SIMOTICS S-1FL2 Supply voltage 400V 3AC Pn=0.4kW;Nn=3000rpm M0=1.27Nm;Mn=1.27Nm Shaft height 30mm With hybrid connector AM21bit With shaft key, Tolerance N With holding brake Protection class IP54 without oil seal Matching drive SINAMICS S200 1FL2103-4AF10-1MC0

SIMOTICS S-1FL2 Supply voltage 400V 3AC Pn=0.4kW;Nn=3000rpm M0=1.27Nm;Mn=1.27Nm Shaft height 30mm With hybrid connector AM21bit With shaft key, Tolerance N With holding brake Protection class IP54 without oil seal Matching drive SINAMICS S200 1FL2103-4AF10-1MC0

Article Number (Market Facing Number) 1FL2103-4AF10-1MC0
Product Description SIMOTICS S-1FL2 Supply voltage 400V 3AC Pn=0.4kW;Nn=3000rpm M0=1.27Nm;Mn=1.27Nm Shaft height 30mm With hybrid connector AM21bit With shaft key, Tolerance N With holding brake Protection class IP54 without oil seal Matching drive SINAMICS S200
Product family Not available
Product Lifecycle (PLM) PM300:Active Product
This product cannot be ordered currently. If you need support please contact your Siemens partner
Price data
Price Group / Headquarter Price Group 372
List Price 1.412,00 EUR
Unit Customer Price  
Metal Factor None
Delivery information
Export Control Regulations AL : N / ECCN : N
Estimated dispatch time (Working Days) 40 Day/Days
Net Weight (kg) 1,490 Kg
Packaging Dimension 182,00 x 315,00 x 172,00
Package size unit of measure MM
Quantity Unit 1 Piece
Packaging Quantity 1
Additional Product Information
EAN 4034106450106
UPC Not available
Commodity Code 85015100
LKZ_FDB/ CatalogID NC81
Product Group X0DJ
Group Code R220
Country of origin China
Compliance with the substance restrictions according to RoHS directive Since: 01.01.2018
Product class C: products manufactured / produced to order, which cannot be reused or re-utilised or be returned against credit.
WEEE (2012/19/EU) Take-Back Obligation -
REACH Art. 33 Duty to inform according to the current list of candidates
SCIP number Not available
  Version Classification
eClass 12 27-02-26-02
eClass 14 27-02-26-02
eClass 6 27-02-26-02
eClass 7.1 27-02-26-02
eClass 8 27-02-26-02
eClass 9 27-02-26-02
eClass 9.1 27-02-26-02
ETIM 7 EC001851
ETIM 8 EC001851
ETIM 9 EC001851
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